The use of vegan carrier oils are growing in popularity. Whether it’s sunflower seed, sesame seed or vegetable oils, like canola oil, vegan carrier oils can provide health benefits both inside and outside the body. Grapeseed oil has benefits for the skin, hair and heart. Grape seeds are a natural by product of grapes from the wine and juice industries. For centuries, farmers disposed of the small seeds, seeing them as useless. However, it was found that by pressing the grapes’ tiny little seeds, grapeseed oil is expelled and carries with it some great health benefits. It takes approximately a ton of grapes to create about 200ml of grape seed oil. Health Benefits in Food An old adage is ‘two tablespoons a day keep the doctor away.’ While that may not be medically tested, there are a lot of proven health benefits to consuming grapeseed oil. Consuming grapeseed oil is shown to be very beneficial for your body. It helps lower your LDL cholesterol (your bad cholesterol) while helping increase your HDL (good) cholesterol. Grapeseed oil is high in vitamin E, which is an antioxidant that prevents free radicals in tissues while also helping with neurological function and protecting the body’s lipids. It is also a good source of linoleic acid. According to Harvard University, diets rich in linoleic acid, an essential omega-6 fatty acid, can help lower the risk of coronary heart disease.1 Grapeseed oil is often used in both home and professional kitchens because it has a mild flavor, making it perfect for sauces and salad dressings. It emulsifies well and also has a high smoke point, which is useful when cooking, frying, or sautéing. Health Benefits for Skin Sufferers of acne, whether it’s because of dry skin or oily skin, can see positive results when they massage grapeseed oil onto the acne prone areas. The oil is high in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties that help minimize the appearance of blemishes and clearing up the skin. The linoleic acid within the oil also naturally promotes healthy skin. Beyond clearing acne, grapeseed oil also minimizes the appearance of dark under-eye circles, deeply moisturizes the skin, and has anti-aging properties. You can apply the oil directly on your skin by massaging it gently onto your face. You can use grapeseed oil to give your regular moisturizer an extra boost, by adding a few drops of grapeseed oil, prior to application. Health Benefits for Hair If you’re looking for strong, healthy hair, grapeseed oil is an excellent addition to your hair care regimen. The oil helps nourish both the hair and the scalp, resulting in a moisturized scalp and a healthy head of hair. Grapeseed oil is lighter in consistency and odor than coconut and olive oil, making it the perfect lightweight oil treatment. It is quickly absorbed into the scalp and the hair resulting in your hair feeling silky smooth and healthy. Many like to reap the benefits of grapeseed oil, by applying it as a hot oil treatment. One sample recipe, including adding about four tablespoons of grapeseed oil in a plastic re-sealable bag and immerse it in hot water for several minutes. Apply on clean, damp hair, from your scalp to the tips of your hair. Massage any remaining oil into your scalp. Dip a towel into warm water, wring it out, and wrap it around your hair for about 30 minutes. After, rinse the oil out of your hair using warm water and then rinse again using cool water. This process may be repeated regularly to ensure shiny, healthy hair.   1.

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