Not many people would think that black pepper has any other benefits than making food taste better. Usually considered a must-have condiment placed on the table with the ever-present salt, black pepper has an illustrious history and the oil it extracts is just as notable.

Once considered ‘black gold,’ black pepper was highly valued among the Romans and even the Egyptians. The spice route had a big impact on the pepper market and before long it became a highly desirable substance. While today, black pepper is as common to see in a house as white sugar and table salt, it still offers much more to the consumer than meets the eye. Black pepper essential oil, which is extracted from the individual peppercorns, helps with a variety of everyday ailments from stomach and digestive issues, to reducing aches and pains. The Beneficial Qualities of Black Pepper Essential Oil People may not think of the humble peppercorn to carry an array of health benefits, as well as essential vitamins and minerals, but it indeed holds a lot of power in the little round orb. Known as a carminative, black pepper can help reduce the presence of stomach gas as well as help cleanse the intestines. This oil also is an overall aid in digestive health. From the salivary glands all the way down to the intestines, black pepper promotes health throughout the entire body and helps to enable the stomach and entire digestive system to work properly and in sync with each other. Black pepper essential oil can also aid in soothing sore muscles by improving circulation, and offers relief for cramps and minor aches and pains. It can be used topically and rubbed directly into the sore muscles and cramps for a quicker relief time. The spice is also rich in a number of vitamins and minerals including calcium, manganese, Vitamin-K, beta-carotene and potassium. How to Consume The usual way in which people consume black pepper is through food. A common spice in most of the world, black pepper has become a staple to many diets. Including black pepper on foods is a great way to start increasing your consumption and reaping its health benefits. Using a peppermill to freshly crack black peppercorns will not only provide a fresher flavor, but also ensure one is getting the most out of each peppercorn. To step up the consumption amount, one can start by buying a bottle of the essential oil. The essential oil is a thin, clear liquid that has an aroma of mild pepper and yet, it also has a floral note to it. The essential oil can be also be drunk by putting one drop into a small glass of water or non-dairy milk. It can also be used topically and rubbed directly into the skin. When used on its own, one needs to be aware as to whether the skin is sensitive and prone to rash, as black pepper can be an irritant. However, if blended with carrier oil, such as coconut oil, black pepper essential oil is diluted and may not cause any irritation. When rubbed into the skin, muscle pain and relief can be felt quickly. Black pepper essential oil is a great resource to have on hand and to add into one’s supplement supply. To find out more about its health benefits or to purchase a bottle of Vale of Eden’s 100% organic black pepper oil and start reaping its benefits, visit the Black Pepper Essential Oil page on our website.  

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