“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” – Michelangelo

The phrase “building muscle” brings up a variety of mental images, personal goals, and anxieties. Building muscle is an involved process, but when managed properly, you can have the results you want. December is upon us, so now is the time to start chiseling out the beach body within. Here are five ways to naturally build muscle and set your goals in motion.

Establish a Good Workout Schedule

  • Do three full-body resistance training sessions per week. Your body will need a full day to recover from the workout.
  • Change up your routine every four to six weeks.
  • Keep a workout journal to track both your progress and your discipline.

Make Your Workouts Efficient

  • Start every workout with an exercise that involves multiple muscle groups. These include:
    • Squats and deadlifts for legs
    • Pull-ups or lat pull-downs for the back
    • Bench presses for the chest
    • Military presses for the shoulders
    • Barbell curls for the biceps
    • Weighted dips for the triceps.
  • Balance the work you give to each muscle group. For example, follow five sets of bench presses with five sets of rows. Balanced training encourages quicker growth, flexibility, and helps avoid injuries.
  • Perform six to 12 repetitions on every set. Use heavier weights instead of rep volume.
  • Train progressively and to failure (failure is when you can no longer perform a controlled rep.)

Fuel Properly

Get Your Rest!

  • Train no more than four times a week.
  • Take useful breaks during your workout.
  • Avoid excess stress. Chronic nervousness elevates cortisol, a hormone that makes your body store fat and burn muscle.
  • Schedule enough time for proper sleep. Muscle building happens while you sleep.

Maintain Your Body Throughout the Day

  • Perform mobility exercises later in the day and on off days.
  • Stretch. Work on stretches that counter common body positions (if you’re hunched over a keyboard all day, do stretches that pull your arms back behind you and rock your head back.)
When it comes to workouts, working smarter is better for your long-term health than working harder. Keep your workouts balanced and let the results come to you. As always, before beginning any sort of extended or intense workout routine, talk to your doctor. The beach body within awaits you. Chisel away.

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