At Med Lab Supply, we carry a wide selection of medical and laboratory supplies. Here are a few products we carry that you may not be familiar with. With a great selection at the best prices, we want to be the supplier for all your medical and lab needs!
Ultra Spec Sterile 10ml vial - What’s so great about the Ultra Spec sterile vial? Plenty. They’re assembled with Teflon coated non-latex rubber stoppers and vials made of Schott Fiolax® glass tubing. Each and every vial is tested for Sterility, Bacterial Endotoxins, and Particulates. Thanks to its superior hydrolytic resistance, the risk of glass delamination is significantly reduced and interaction between the contained product and container surface are at a bare minimum, thereby providing a superior packaging solution for sensitive ingredients. This special glass has outstanding chemical resistance, neutrality, impermeability, and strength.
ADC Adsafe CPR Pocket Resuscitator - For first responders and others concerned with first aid and personal safety, we offer our customers the ADC Adsafe CPR Pocket Resuscitator. Its low resistance one-way valve minimizes the possibility of cross-contamination. This model can be used for adults, then inverted for infants or children. Because of its quick accessibility, dual size use, and multiple connectability, it’s the perfect choice for your CPR needs.
Cold Pressed Grapeseed Oil - Our responsibly-sourced Grapeseed oil is natural, undiluted, and of the highest quality. Grapeseed oil contains about twice the amount of vitamin E than olive oil, as well as polyphenols, flavonoids, & many essential fatty acids. It is light in viscocity, non-greasy, mildly astringent and has excellent emollient properties. Use it in home remedies or other medical purposes.
Flavored Capsules - Use our pleasantly-flavored gelatin capsules to mask any unpleasant taste and/or odor from the capsule’s contents. Whether you need flavored capsules for your compounding or natural pharmacy, or are preparing supplements for your personal use, flavored capsules can be a great choice. With Med Lab Supply, you can save money by using your own capsules.
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